Prey voice audition doc

1.Character: Great grandfather (Talon’s spirit guide)

1.1Character overview

Gender: male

Age: aged (b. 1890, d. 1985)

Most important trait: wisdom

Character overview:

Talon’s great grandfather serves an almost “Obi-wan” role in Prey.

Talon’s great grandfather had been a mystic, deep into the art of peyoteism, and clashing weekly against the Christian missionaries sent to rid the reservations of this “pagan and ungodly ritual” (during the Depression years).

When Talon was 13 years old, his parents took him to a reservation in New Mexico to see his great grandfather, who was dying. Talon had never met his great grandfather before, but there was a strange familiarity in the old man’s gaze, almost as if he had met him many lifetimes ago. His great grandfather could not speak, but he placed his hand on Talon’s shoulder and it felt as if an energy was entering into him. At that moment, his great grandfather died.

Talon meets the old man in the guise of a spirit walker on the Trocaran space ship. He is old, wise, steeped in mystical knowledge, and he understands that his destiny is inescapably tired to Talon’s—he must guide him, encourage him and teach him how to open up to his own mystical energies. Only then can Talon succeed in his quest.

1.2Audition dialog

Refined, wise and thoughtful:

Look back along your path, my Brave Sun. It is not as you expected, is it? Now turn your heart to the future… what do you see? Ah, like all who have come before, you too see nothing but the unknown. But for you, this path will be an even greater unknown…

The past is a tapestry of strands. Some we feel unravel as the years move us forward, but many remain woven, firm and true. Yet some strands, Talon, become unraveled only to be quickly woven into another’s tapestry… this is what has happened to you and I.

Dramatic (this is part of a trailer narration):

They have existed through the millennia before the Earth was anything more than a cloud of vapor, and now they return once again. Is it prophesy, or something even more ancient? You must strike deep to unravel their mystery, but first… you must survive!

Prey. A game of survival, mystery and adventure. A challenge that will test you as never before. An experience that will fill you with fear and wonder…

Pray that you aren’t too late. Prey: a Talon Brave game… coming from 3D Realms Entertainment.

Copyright 3D Realms 1997. Confidential document